Sunday, 7 July 2024

Jack's wedding contd : A Stitch in Time


Jack's frustration was palpable as he dialled his mother’s number for the third time that week. The size of the shoe was still wrong, and now there were only five days left before his trip to India.

"Mom," Jack began, "I've have asked for the Juttis to be replaced. The size is still not right. What are we supposed to do? And the turban and the stole doesn't match with her outfit. She's furious. I didn't realize everything had to match perfectly. This is crazy, and we're running out of time. Can you do something, please?"


His mother, always the problem solver, sighed softly on the other end. "Alright, Jack. Just send me the pictures dear of her outfit, the turban, stole and the shoe. Let's see what we can do."

Jack hurriedly complied, snapping pictures and sending them off. Moments later, his mother was on the phone with the shop lady in India.

"Hello, I'm calling from the States. My son's shoe size is wrong... Also, the turban and stole don't match his fiancée's outfit. What can we do about it?" she asked with urgency.

The shop lady, used to such last-minute requests, responded calmly. "Since there's hardly any time left, let's use the shade card to find the right shade. We can correct the shoe size if you take a drawing of his foot on a piece of paper."

Oh! We should have gone through this process before placing the order .It would have saved us so much time and stress!” the mother exclaimed.

“We apologize madam, the shop lady” answered promptly. “You never mentioned that the items safa  and stole were to match the outfits of your future daughter in law. If you had we would definitely would have suggested the shade card to you.

Meanwhile Jack quickly traced his foot on a sheet of paper and sent the image over. "Mum ask her how long will it take to get delivered?" he asked anxiously from across the room.

Since you’re traveling to India in just five days, why don't we send it directly to your hotel?" the shop lady suggested.

Jack sighed in relief. "That's perfect. Thank you so much for your help."

Two days later, Jack received confirmation that everything was on its way to the hotel. He couldn't wait to see the look on his fiancée’s face when everything matched perfectly. It had been a stressful process, but with his mother’s help and the shop lady’s expertise, they had managed to pull it off just in time.



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